Sunday, June 7, 2009


Did you miss me? Nah, didn't think so. Anyhow, who wants to know what I did today? No-one? Okay, there's a start. I woke up at my dad's girlfriend's house, I have no idea how I got there, I stayed in bed and read until I finished my book, then I got up and moped a bit, after that I had McDonalds. I went home, did some laundry, nearly killed the machine, spent 20 minutes at least bailing water out of it, then about 10 fishing gunk out of the filter. finally managed to put two loads on, studied box of "Trivial Pursuit", then I read half an encyclopedia.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Oh God I Feel Like Shit

I'm talking to my one of my best friends ex-boyfriends who's actually a girl I consider a friend's (even though she's actually psychotic in a criminal way) current boyfriend. It sucks because I get in a bad mood and nothing good matters, then I complain about them, then I feel weak and pathetic for complaining, which is what I'm doing now, so that makes me a sadist because I know it's going to upset me but I do it anyway. I don't think I'm loved really, as soon as people see the real me they freak out and leave. :( I'm upset. Does that make me a freak?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Behold, The Product Of My Insanity

Rain On Your Scarred Wrists

Standing with you, the heat from the rocks beneath our bare feet radiating through us as raindrops fall on our faces. For the first time since we met, I can see hope in your eyes.
We don't notice time, the cold or heat, just you staring at me staring at you, and that's our world, no-one else, no outer forces, just you and me, standing in the rain as eternities flash by in seconds.

It's short, but better than my other attempts lately. What do you think imaginary caring person?

He, He... Umm... I Dunno, Wait, Yes I Do!

Okedokey, what I just did may seem strange to you but, it is my way. So deal with it.
I was sitting down reading Johnny The Homicidal Maniac and I had two strange urges, the first to write something and the second to make (or more, eat.) waffles. I ignored my random waffle craving and decided on writing a poem, only one problem, I had no inspiration, so I turned to my trusty muse, rain, I went outside to my little paved area and stood in the rain for about twenty minutes, until my Grandfather came out to see where I was, when he asked what the hell I was doing I replied with the best response. "I'm being inspired, writing in my head, letting my creative juices flow..."
Now I'm back inside I am about to write my little poem and post it later.

I'm not insane! SQUISHY HAM!!!!! (sorry Milsy, I had to use that one)

I still hate television.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Well, in my utter boredom I wrote my first chapter of my fanfic "Memoirs" and I've E-mailed it over to Gingy for proofreading, I'm about to start on chapter 2. Coz again there's no-one on MSN and I have nothing better no do with my time than research WW2 seeing as Dad's cooking tonight.

Signing Out Again!

Writing And Old Friends

I'm writing a fanfiction! I've never really tried before but I registered an account and got an idea from a documentary on the second world war that was on TV last night. I can post the summary if you guys like, but you'll have to post a comment asking ok?

In other news,I was on MSN last night talking to one of my best friends Gingy, she asked if I remembered a guy from the fifth grade, I said yeah, but I don't remember if we were friends or just acquaintances, it didn't seem to matter because we were on MSN talking in no-time, he showed me a twilight video he made and asked if I would put it on my blog, so there it is in the sidebar, it's the Twilighting link, Watch it! I swear it's rad.

Well now I've said that I'm bored again as no-one's on MSN except for my friend Emma who's blocked me because she feels like being mean.

Over And Out!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Just A Poem

Your Eyes And My Favourite Moment

Surrounded by faces, both familiar and strange, then yours, and all the others merged into one blur. You're looking into my eyes and I'm looking back into yours and for those precious seconds, nothing else matters. Common sense doesn't interfere and pull my gaze away but noticing we're alone, the blur vanished brings us back to reality, if since then it can be called that.

I realize this is quite strange but I couldn't do any better at 2 in the morning.